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Fashion Pictorial

In Style China 

Contributing Editor : Janice Wong

Celeb : Michelle Yeoh
Producer & Image  : Janice Wong
Photographer & Post Production : Paul Tsang
Hair : Ricky Kwok
Make-Up: Karman
Liaison Consultant : Te-Ming Chen

Ming Pao Weekly & Ming China  

Founding Fashion & Beauty Director / Producer / Creative Direction & Image Design : 
Janice Wong

" Fashion Is A Fantasy & A Reflection of Time ! To Create A Lifestyle & Tell A Story !" 

Content Highlights

Theme : Resort Style
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer & Post Production : Gilles Marie Zimmermann
Model : Mok Wan Dan

Theme : Romad Romance
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Cheung Ping Ling
Model & Make-Up : Sofie Rahman 李嘉慧
Hair : Dicky Blue

Theme : Rustic Glamour 
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Leslie Lee
Models : Louise Pope & David Elliott
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Riviera Chic
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Models : Lisa S, Ana R & Philippe Sung
Hair : Ken Lee
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Girls Power
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Ducky Tse
Models : Niki Chow 周麗淇, Lisa H & Raymond
Hair : Ken Lee
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : Resort Style
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Leslie Lee
Model : Jessica Spain
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Ethnic Style in Romantic Approach
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Cheung Ping Ling
Models : Lucy Leston & David Elliott
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Post-Jungle Goddess
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Leslie Lee

Theme : Disco Diva
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Models : Eunis Chan 陳嘉容, Philippe Sung & Chollada
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : Glam Rock Style
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Models : Odette & Greg
Hair : Jimmy White ( Orient 4 Hair Styling )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Rock Style
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Model : Louise P
Hair : Karman Ho ( Triple Edge Hair Salon )
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : Fetish Look
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Foo King Wai
Models : Lisa S & Sunny Tsang
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP)
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Athletic Chic
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Foo King Wai
Model : Rosemary V
Hair : King Hui (IL Colpo PP)
Make-Up: Dephine Chan

Theme : Deconstructionism in Post-Modern Era
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Fu Chun Wai
Model : Cynthia Wu
Hair : Ray Chan
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Modern Gladiator
Image : Janice Wong
Creative Direction & Photographer : Franco Lai
Model : Kalyane
Hair : King Hui (IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Armour Style
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Leslie Lee
Models : Sandra M & Samuel S
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP)
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : Aviator Chic ( inspired by Casablanca )
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Leslie Lee
Models : Gabriela G & David O
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : Post-Modern Chinese In Barney Cheng Couture
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Models : Lisa S & James
Hair : King Hui
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : Neo-Chinese & Cheongsam
Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Franco Lai
Model : Vanessa Yeung 楊崢
Hair : Ray Chan
Make-Up : Clearance Lee

Theme : Modern Asians
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Ducky Tse
Model : Carrie Chiu
Hair : Mann Wong ( IL Colpo )
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : The 40's Classic
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Ducky Tse
Models : Sofie Rahman 李嘉慧 & Angela Hung
Hair : Mann Wong & Leo Ng ( IL Colpo )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Crazy Rich Asians
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Models : Lisa S & Ana R
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : Crazy Rich Asians in 80's Chic
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Models : Rebecca Tam, Rebecca Fenton & Alex
Hair : Mann Wong
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Casual Luxe Evening 
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Foo King Wai
Model : Eunis Chan 陳嘉容
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : Decadence of The Last Century
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Foo King Wai
Models : Jessie Meng 孟廣美 & Ella Q
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Ivan Lee

Theme : Neo-Classicism in Fashion
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : John Fung
Models : Kathy Chow 周汶錡 & Anna Lingard
Hair : Mann Wong
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : '98 AW Fashion Preview
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Foo King Wai
Models : Eunice Chan & Angela Hong
Hair : King Hui ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan

Theme : '98 SS Fashion Preview
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Foo King Wai
Models : Eunis Chan 陳嘉容 & Balia Chan

Theme : X'mas Ball
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : Cheung Ping Ling
Models & Personalities : Eunis Chan, Angela Hong, Anna Lingard, Barney Cheng, Ricky Kwok, Joseph Li & Kam Kwok-Leung 甘國亮
Hair : King Hui & Kenji Ng ( IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Dephine Chan & Dickson Tang

Theme : X'mas Party
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : 
Models : Ankie B貝安琪, Jacquline, Luis E. & Lucien Lung
Hair : King Hui (IL Colpo PP )
Make-Up : Kennis Lee

Theme : X'mas Party casted by 10 Best Dressed Persons
Producer & Creative Direction : Janice Wong
Photographer : Foo King Wai
Celeb-Models : Sandra Ng吳君如, Louis Koo古天樂, Anthony Wong 黄耀明, Kam Kwok-Leung甘國亮, 
Jane Louvey 雷林靜怡, Christie Woo 胡敏珊, 
Charles Yang 楊傳亮, Fanny Shieh 薛芷倫 & Willaim Tao 
Setting Consultant : Antony Chan

Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer : 
Celeb : Do Do Cheng 鄭裕玲

Theme : Mod Look 
Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Celeb : Sandra Ng 吴君如
Hair : Eddie Wong

Creative Direction & Image : Janice Wong
Photographer :
Celeb : 劉錦玲
Hair : Alan Leung

Producer : Janice Wong
Theme : Designer & His Model
Image & Celeb-Model : Barney Cheng
Female Model : Luise Chan


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